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disabled veteran standing with cane

Filing Secondary VA Disability Claims: When and Why to File

When veterans file for VA disability for a service-connected disability, there are times when another disability develops as a result of that primary disability. Secondary conditions can impact the veteran’s health and quality of life, similar to primary disabilities, which makes it important for them to seek compensation for their full range of medical issues….

veteran being examined by a doctor

Understanding Presumptive Conditions for Gulf War Veterans

During the Gulf War (1990-1991), or Operation Desert Storm, U.S. troops fought a brief but impactful battle. The impacts of this operation left many veterans with life-altering illnesses, also known as presumptive conditions. The exact cause for these conditions is not known but is likely from the chemical warfare agents used during this operation. This…

veteran on computer

What Is Individual Unemployability (TDIU) and Do You Qualify?

If a veteran is disabled and unable to work and their disability compensation doesn’t provide enough financial support, they may be eligible for Individual Unemployability (TDIU). TDIU is a benefit provided by the VA for veterans who are unable to maintain employment due to their service-connected disabilities, even if their disability rating is below 100%….

veteran with family

VA Disability and Dependent Benefits: How to Qualify Your Family

VA disability benefits help provide financial support to veterans with disabilities resulting from military service. While these benefits are extremely helpful for the veterans themselves, they can also support their families. VA benefits can be extended to qualifying dependents like spouses, children, or dependent parents. These benefits can help cover the needs of the entire…


Understanding the Process of Filing an Appeal with the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC)

If you’ve received an unfavorable decision from the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA), you might wonder what steps you can take to challenge it. One potential course of action is filing an appeal with the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (CAVC). The CAVC is an independent federal court that reviews decisions by the…